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Spring into Sustainability

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In honor of spring, our planet, and sustainability, I'd like to share a few of my favorite lifestyle tips on living sustainably, but still being stylish.  The planet is never out-of-fashion and it's important to keep it clean and looking good.

Enjoy & stay sustainably stylish out there folks!

- Katie | owner


1.) Shop vintage to shop sustainably. 

There is a lot of debate about whether or not vintage falls into the "planet-friendly" category.  Here is my take on it: If you are making the choice to go out and purchase vintage goods vs. new goods, new materials are not needing to be sourced thus slowing down on the production of new goods.  Shopping vintage also prevents production of toxic or exploitative new clothing, and it keeps textiles out of the landfill or from being shipped overseas. By shopping vintage you are reusing, which in my mind is a step in the right direction.

2.) Know your threads.

Not all fabrics are alike, duh! I like to avoid these ones because they are not eco-friendly and in fact, cause more harm than good.  To learn more about the sustainable fabrics that SHOP | SLO uses, click here.

- Polyester

- Anything with synthetic fibers, permanent-press, wrinkle-free: many of them contain chemicals like PFCs, which is harmful for the planet.

- Acrylic 

- Nylon

- Acetate

- Rayon

3.) Do your research.

There are so many forward-thinking brands out there these days.  So a little research and to find some that you like and that care about the environment.  There are so many 3rd party certifications out there today for companies to be transparent about their manufacturing processes, business practices, and how they support their communities.