Home Tour: Chasity from @raddatattchazz

SHOP | SLO® teams up with fellow Colorado dweller, Chasity, @raddatattchazz, to talk plants, textures, top thrift tips and her recent Apartment Therapy feature.

S|S: Thanks for joining and excited to be partnering up with another CO lady!  Can you tell us a little bit about your home decor style and how it got to where it is today?

Chasity: Our Colorado home is a different style from our Nashville home. It is a southwestern style, beige and grey colors throughout, and all of the stucco! A very traditional southern Colorado home. Unlike anything I have decorated before, my mind went wild with the possibilities.  It is still is a work in progress.

The home is beautifully built but needed some color and life, and I am no stranger to color. I love collecting pieces with stories. Sometimes I thrift an item and I immediately feel a connection. That is precisely how I feel when walking into our home now, a connection, peace, and comfort I've never felt before. I want people to have this same feeling when visiting our abode.  I think that is one of the essential elements of your home, no matter where that may be. I believe my style will forever be transforming into whatever I am feeling at that time, right now it's a colorful, eclectic, boho, "mess" to some, but home to us! 

S|S: I’m a personal fan of your hashtag #mysouthwesternbohome.  Can you tell us a little bit about it and where the idea came from?

Chasity: Yes! My sweet Instagram friend Laura over at @thriftedbohemian and I were trying to find a wider audience of people who share a similar style as us. There are so many people mixing these two styles, and it is beautiful. It has been fun getting to know new and old faces. It's not just about the squares when using this hashtag, we want to know your story too! 

Katie: Who are your biggest influences and who do you admire the most? Who or what inspired you to do what you’re doing now?

Chasity: This is a tough one. I don't think I have one specific influence. I take ideas, encouragement, and inspiration from everywhere, everyone, and everything and incorporate it into my life. If it makes me happy, I want it around. I admire all of the women doing exactly what they want to be doing at this exact time in their lives. I applaud everyone who doesn't let society put them in a box and define them. Being true to oneself is the most admirable thing anyone can do.

My sweet friend Meg has a small business called @furniturology in a small town in Tennessee.  She has been so encouraging and motivating in my decor world. She and her husband handpick, design, and repurpose their pieces. She motivated me to let myself shine through our home. Every time I went into her store I found myself drawn to everything. Her heart goes into every piece she makes and sells. Her home is precisely the same way, you can see her all over the place, and I love that.  It is so inviting and comforting!

Katie: Where is your home away from home?

Chasity: Anywhere I am with Derek is "home" I can recreate home no matter where we go or lay our heads at night. Well and our dogs too... ok okay maybe the chickens haha

Katie: What’s next for you?

Chasity: Kind of an open book from here on out. We live on a hemp farm, in the most beautiful pocket of Colorado. I think we are pretty content right now. Other than planning a wedding for 2019 I think here is the next for now, and I ain't mad about it! Life is good!


Thank you for your time, Chasity! We look forward to seeing what you come out with next and best of luck with the wedding!

Designer Dish: Bret Alexandra

Designer Dish: Bret Alexandra

Home Tour: Kelli from @mango_manor